Reflective practice: engaging with your thinking at a deeper level requires, practise, patience and courage!
Reflective practice: engaging with your thinking at a deeper level requires practise,...
What’s going on when we sing together with young children?
What’s going on when we sing together with young children? A huge variety of powerful...
Big changes start with small steps
Big changes start with small steps... My journey into diversity awareness. There has...
What can you expect from our ‘Simple Steps to Diversity Awareness’ course?
What can you expect from our 'Simple Steps to Diversity Awareness' course? Don’t just...
3 common mistakes that people make when they think about diversity
3 common mistakes that people make when they think about diversity 'Diversity' is a term...
Why am I ‘Doing Diversity Differently’? My journey into diversity awareness
Why am I 'Doing Diversity Differently'? A description of my journey into diversity...
10 ways in which children develop diversity awareness (that you might never have even thought about)
10 ways in which children develop diversity awareness (that you might never have even...
Nursery Rhyme Week: 5 suggestions for making nursery rhymes more diverse
5 Ways to be 'diversity-aware' when using nursery rhymes There is a lot of 'noise'...
3 Effective ways to ‘Do Diversity Differently’
3 Effective Ways towards 'Doing Diversity Differently' There have been lots of articles...
Why is it important to develop an understanding of musical diversity during the ages of 3 – 7?
The importance to develop an understanding of musical diversity during the Early...
We need to talk about Diversity
We need to talk about DiversityBut why is it so hard? Maybe the Billy Goats Gruff can...